Would you like to be a leader in improving the health and wellbeing outcomes of your community? Have you thought about how postgraduate study might fit into your further career development? Why not join our webinar on UOW's Public Health programs (available at the graduate certificate and master's degree level).
These programs are targeted towards current public health professionals looking to
upskill and advance their career, or those seeking a career change to public health.
You will be exposed to the great public health challenges of our time, and be equipped with cross-disciplinary, work-ready skills to address them.
In this session, our panel will discuss the following topics:
- Overview and benefits of studying the Graduate Certificate and Master
of Public Health
- Career and professional development opportunities
- How to apply, key dates, and entry requirements
- Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) and HECS HELP loans.
- Study delivery, subjects and workload
There will be a chance to have your course
questions answered by the panel.